Rescue 1122 Jobs in Pakistan 2024

Rescue 1122 Jobs in Pakistan 2023

Rescue 1122 is a national emergency service in Pakistan that provides 24-hour assistance to needy people. It is one of the country’s largest and most well-known emergency services, and as such, Rescue 1122 jobs are highly sought after. There are a variety of Rescue 1122 jobs available, from emergency response to administration and support. No matter what your skills and qualifications are, there is likely a Rescue 1122 job that is right for you. If you are interested in a career with Rescue 1122, keep an eye on their website and job boards for vacancies.

Rescue 1122 Jobs in Pakistan 2023

Table for Rescue Job 2024

DepartmentRescue 1122
Job Salary45,000 to 70,000 PKR Per month
Age Limit18 to 25 Years
Experienceone Year
Publish date10-11-2023
Last Date ApplyFollow me on My YouTube channel
QualificationMatric to Master
Height5 feet 5 inch
Weight55 to 65 KG
Daily Jobs InformationJoin My Website Click Here
Follow me on My Youtube Channelilm786

Rescue Jobs Online Apply 2024

According to the chairman of Rescue Jobs, the online process of the online apply has been started, candidate can be able to apply online through the official website of Rescue jobs 2024

Required by Job Application 2024

In order to be eligible to apply for jobs in Pakistan in 2024, you will need to have a Matric, Inter, or Master. You will also need to have a clean criminal record and be able to pass a background check. You will need to be proficient in English and have at least basic computer skills. If you have any relevant work experience, that will also be taken into consideration.

Required by Job Application 2024
Required by Job Application 2024

How to Apply for a Rescue Job in Pakistan

The first step to online apply for rescue jobs in Pakistan is to visit the website the Rescue. On the website, you will find a link to the online application form. Once you have completed the form, you will need to submit it along with your CV and a cover letter. It is important to note that the online application process is only for Pakistani citizens. If you are not a Pakistani citizen, you will need to apply through the embassy or consulate of your country in Pakistan.

Rescue 1122 Jobs 2024 Apply Application Form Online

The online application process is simple and straightforward. However, you must make sure that you meet all of the requirements before applying. For example, you must be a Pakistani citizen and have a valid national identity card. Once you have submitted your application, you will be contacted for an interview. If you are successful, you will be asked to undergo training. After successfully completing the training, you will be officially a part of the Rescue 1122 team.

Responsibility of Rescue 1122

Rescue 1122 is a Pakistani emergency service that provides prompt response to emergency situations. It is the responsibility of Rescue 1122 to ensure the safety of the people in Pakistan. Rescue 1122 has a team of highly trained and skilled personnel who are well-equipped to handle any emergency situation. The organization has a wide network of rescue vehicles and ambulances that are strategically positioned across the country to provide quick and efficient responses to any emergency.

How much Average Salary For Rescue 1122

The average salary for Rescue 1122 in Pakistan is Rs. 45,000 PKR per month. This is based on data from the Pakistan Bureau of Statistics. The average salary for Rescue 1122 in Pakistan is higher than the average salary for other professions in Pakistan. This is because Rescue 1122 is a highly skilled and specialized profession. Rescue 1122 requires its employees to have a high level of training and experience.